User Manual and Configuration Reference

Table of Contents

About this Book
1. Overview
1.1. Key Features
1.2. Principle of Operation
Configuration Data
Input Pool, Fixed Faders and Selectors
Clean Feeds
Audio Sources and Logic Sources
1.3. Structure of Audio Processing
1.4. Available Modules
2. Operating the RM2200D
2.1. Module Layout and Control Elements
Fader Module Layout
Reverse Function Select
Master Control Module Layout
2.2. Using the RM2200D Software in Display Mode
2.3. Using Setups
Managing Setups from the Mixing Desk
2.4. Using Level Meters
2.5. Monitoring Signals
Using Monitor 1
Using Monitor 2…5
2.6. Selecting Input Signals
2.7. Setting up Input Processing
2.8. Assigning Program Busses
2.9. Using Aux Busses
2.10. Using Talkback Functions
2.11. Using Clean Feed Channels
2.12. Off Air Operation
2.13. Connecting GPIs and GPOs
2.14. Using CS Routing
3. Installing the RM2200D Software
4. Using the RM2200D Software in Display Mode
4.1. Overview
4.2. Small Screen Display
4.3. Full Screen Display
5. RM2200D Software Configuration Reference
5.1. Overview
Connecting to the RM2200D and Transferring Data
About Configuration Data
Managing the Firmware
Audio Sources
Logic Sources
5.2. Console - Choosing Modules
5.3. Frame I/O - Configuring the DSP Frame
RM220-111 Digital In/Out/GPIO Module
RM220-122 Mic/Headphone/GPIO Module
RM220-222 Analog In/Out/GPIO Module
RM220-223 Analog Line In/Out/GPIO Module
RM220-228 Analog In Selector Module
RM220-311 GPIO Module
5.4. Mod. Options - Configuring Module Options
Fader Module Configuration
Master Module Configuration
5.5. Func keys - Configuring Function Keys
F1 … F4 Function keys
General Purpose Keys GP1 … GP4 and Talk 1, Talk 2 keys
Keys Talk 1 and Talk 2
5.6. Talkback
5.7. Various - Configuring Level Meters and Clean Feeds
Audio Level Meter Configuration
Clean Feed configuration
5.8. Connection - Configuring the Network Identity
Connecting via the Serial Port
Connecting via TCP/IP
Changing the IP address of the DSP frame
5.9. Protocol - Monitoring the CAN-Bus and Sending Commands
6. Technical Specifications
6.1. General Conditions
6.2. RM220-111 Digital In/Out/GPIO module, 8 channels
Digital Inputs
Digital Outputs
General Purpose Inputs / Outputs (GPI/GPO)
6.3. RM220-122 Mic/Headphone/GPIO module, 4 channels
A/D Converter
D/A Converter
General Purpose Inputs / Outputs (GPI/GPO)
6.4. RM220-222 Analog In/Out/GPIO module, 4 channels
A/D Converter
D/A Converter
General Purpose Inputs / Outputs (GPI/GPO)
6.5. RM220-223 Analog In/Out/GPIO module, 4 channels
A/D Converter
D/A Converter
General Purpose Inputs / Outputs (GPI/GPO)
7. Pin Assignments and Wiring Diagrams
7.1. RM220-061 DSP Frame 3U/19“
7.2. RM220-111 Digital In/Out/GPIO module, 8 channels
7.3. RM220-122 Mic/Headphone/GPIO Module, 4 channels
7.4. RM220-222 Analog In/Out/GPIO Module, 4 channels
7.5. RM220-223 Analog In/Out/GPIO Module, 4 channels
7.6. RM220-228 Analog In Selector Module (stereo)
7.7. RM220-311 GPIO Module
7.8. RM220-951 DSP, MADI & Communication Controller
7.9. Color Codes for Network Cables
8. Using GPIs (General Purpose Inputs)
8.1. RM220-111 Digital In/Out/GPIO module, 8 channels
8.2. RM220-122 Mic/Headphone/GPIO Module, 4 channels
8.3. RM220-222 Analog In/Out/GPIO module, 4 channels
8.4. RM220-223 Analog In/Out/GPIO module, 4 channels
9. Using GPOs (General Purpose Outputs)
9.1. RM220-111 Digital In/Out/GPIO module, 8 channels
9.2. RM220-122 Mic/Headphone/GPIO module, 4 channels
9.3. RM220-222 Analog In/Out/GPIO module, 4 channels
9.4. RM220-223 Analog In/Out/GPIO module, 4 channels
10. XLR Adapter Panels
10.1. RM420-XLR-AA RJ45/XLR Adapter Panel 1U/19“
10.2. RM420-XLR-DD RJ45/XLR Adapter Panel 1U/19“
10.3. RM420-XLR-AD RJ45/XLR Adapter Panel 1U/19“
11. Setting Address Jumpers for Fader Modules
11.1. RM220-020 Fader Module (without channel selection display)
11.2. RM220-020D Fader Module (with channel selection display)