Chapter 11. Setting Address Jumpers for Fader Modules

Table of Contents

11.1. RM220-020 Fader Module (without channel selection display)
11.2. RM220-020D Fader Module (with channel selection display)

Each fader module in the mixing desk has a module address. This address is essential for the communication between the mixing desk and the DSP frame. It is set using jumpers on the PCB of the fader module. Normally, module addresses are set in the factory and you do not need to worry about them. However, if you need to replace a fader module with a spare part, you need to set the correct address on the new module.


Each fader module in a RM2200D mixing desk must have a unique address. If two modules are using the same address, they will work “in parallel”. Although this setup does not damage the RM2200D, it prevents the mixing desk from working properly.

You can change the module address from 1 to 4 using the jumpers inside the module. The following pictures show the location of the jumpers and how you have to set them for certain addresses.

RM220-020 Fader Module (without channel selection display)

Figure 64: Jumper settings for the fader module address (RM220-020, bottom view).