Chapter 5. RM2200D Software Configuration Reference

Table of Contents

5.1. Overview
Connecting to the RM2200D and Transferring Data
About Configuration Data
Managing the Firmware
Audio Sources
Logic Sources
5.2. Console - Choosing Modules
5.3. Frame I/O - Configuring the DSP Frame
RM220-111 Digital In/Out/GPIO Module
RM220-122 Mic/Headphone/GPIO Module
RM220-222 Analog In/Out/GPIO Module
RM220-223 Analog Line In/Out/GPIO Module
RM220-228 Analog In Selector Module
RM220-311 GPIO Module
5.4. Mod. Options - Configuring Module Options
Fader Module Configuration
Master Module Configuration
5.5. Func keys - Configuring Function Keys
F1 … F4 Function keys
General Purpose Keys GP1 … GP4 and Talk 1, Talk 2 keys
Keys Talk 1 and Talk 2
5.6. Talkback
5.7. Various - Configuring Level Meters and Clean Feeds
Audio Level Meter Configuration
Clean Feed configuration
5.8. Connection - Configuring the Network Identity
Connecting via the Serial Port
Connecting via TCP/IP
Changing the IP address of the DSP frame
5.9. Protocol - Monitoring the CAN-Bus and Sending Commands


You use the Configuration Mode of the RM2200D software for the initial setup of new systems and maintenance tasks on running systems.

You activate the Configuration Mode by clicking on the button Configure which is located bottom right next to the orange DHD logo. The configuration dialog with various options appears. You can close this dialog box either by clicking the Windows close box in the top right corner window or by using the button Close in the bottom right corner of the dialog. (See the following screenshot.)

Figure 13: The software in Configuration Mode, showing the dialog “Console”.

You can protect access to the Configuration Mode of the RM2200D software using a password. You can change this password in the dialog Console when the RM2200D software is in Configuration Mode.

If you are asked for a password, but you have no password set yet, just enter the string standard password „default“.

The configuration dialog contains several tabs which activate subpanes for the different options. The subpanes are:

Connecting to the RM2200D and Transferring Data

If you connect to the RM2200D for the first time, use the dialog Connection to do so. After that, the software keeps the connection alive. Even if you quit the software and restart it later, it will keep the information and try to connect to the last known RM2200D. You can monitor the state of the connection with the two LED icons on the right side of the Small Screen Display. (see also Connection - Configuring the Network Identity)


If you can not connect to the RM2200D, check cables and network configuration. Also make sure, you are not running any other DHD software on your computer simultaneously. If you do so, you could experience problems receiving data from the RM2200D.

About Configuration Data

The RM2200D software uses special data structures to store the changes you make to the configuration. These data structures are called Configuration Dataset or Config for short. Usually, a Config is stored within the communications controller of the RM2200D. Using the RM2200D software, you can download it from there, edit it and finally upload your changes back to the DSP frame.

Every RM2200D is shipped from DHD with a standard Config preloaded. This Config is also on the CD included with the RM2200D. You can use it as a starting point for your own changes.


Please note, that you need to upload a changed Config back to the RM2200D for the changes to take effect. There is no “Auto-update” function.

You can also use the commands in the File to create a new Config, to save the current Config to disk or to open a saved Config file. It is good practice to keep backups of your Config files and give them descriptive names.

To transfer a Config, you can either click the button Transfer at the bottom of the configuration dialog or use the command Up-/Download configuration from the menu Transfer. The following dialog appears:

Figure 14: Dialog for transferring configuration data. Transfer in progress.

In the upper half of the dialog you can read detailed information about the current Config. In the lower half you can start the up- or download and monitor the progress of the data transfer. Once the transfer has finished, use the Close button to dismiss the dialog.


If you are editing a new Config or changing an existing one, make sure you save your current edits to disk before attempting any transfer operations. Currently the software does not double-check for unsaved data and under certain conditions it may discard unsaved edits. A future version of the software will fix this issue.

Managing the Firmware

The “operation system” of the RM2200D runs in the RM220-950 controller module. This special software is called Firmware and stays resident in the flash memory of the controller, even when the RM2200D is switched off. Usually, you do not need to worry about the firmware, it just works in the background. However, DHD may release a new firmware version from time to time. This new version may fix bugs or implement new functions.


If your RM2200D system runs fine even with an older firmware version, do not change it without need! Only update if the new version fixes some bugs which affect you or if told so by DHD support.

Also keep in mind, that the version of the firmware and the version of the RM2200D software are closely related. A certain firmware version may require a certain version of the software and vice versa. If you use mismatching versions, you may run into problems! Before changing your setup, be sure to check the RM2200D website for details

To update the firmware, choose the tab Frame I/O and click the button Firmware. The following dialog opens:

Figure 15: Firmware update dialog, update transfer in progress.

In the upper half of it you can read detailled information about the firmware version currently running in the RM2200D. To update the firmware, use the button Browse… to locate the updater file. Next, click the button Start to start the upload . This process will take some seconds, the progress bar will show the current status. When the upload completed successfully, you need to reset the DSP frame to activate the new firmware. A confirmation dialog appears. Click the button Yes there and the DSP frame will reset itself.


Do not reset the DSP frame while the RM2200D is used or even On Air! Although you can not damage the system, a reset loads the Basic Setup 0 as defined in the Full Screen Display. This setup can be different from the current state of the RM2200D and therefore affect the audio output of the system in unpredictable ways. (see Full Screen Display)

Audio Sources

Audio sources are all signals that are available within in RM2200D. When you configure the system, you often need to assign audio sources to certain things - as sources for output connectors, as talkback signals, clean feed sources etc. In all these cases, you use the Audio Sources window to select the desired signal.

Figure 16: Audio Sources window , section “Cleanfeeds” expanded.

The Audio Sources window is divided in several sections. The signals have names, they are either fixed or (in the case of input signals) you can change them in the dialog Frame I/O of the RM2200D software.

The available audio sources are divided into the following sections. Stereo signals are split in left (“L”) and right channel (“R”). Mono signals - like microphone inputs - are labeled “M”:

SectionSignals included
MuteThis is the “No Signal” signal. If you select it as audio source, the signal will just be silence.
Audio InputsThese are all input signals connected to the DSP frame. The signals show the labels they were assigned in the dialog Frame I/O. However, the inputs of the RM220-228 Analog Input Selector module are not available.(see also RM220-228 Analog In Selector Module)
Pre-fader signalsFor each fader in the mixing desk, you can access the signal of its currently assigned input channel. This channel is taken before the fader affects the signal level! Please note, that the signal will change instantly, if you assign another input signal to the fader channel!
Cue busThis is the signal currently on the cue bus. It is available both in mono and stereo.
Program bussesThe two program bus signals are available here, both in mono and stereo.
Aux bussesThe two Aux bus signals are available here, both in mono and stereo.
CleanfeedsThe four clean feed signals are available here, both in mono and stereo.
MonitorsThis category contains the signals of all five monitor busses. The signals are available in stereo. If the label is just Monitor <No.>, the signal is not level controlled. The other attributes have these meanings (not all of them are available on all monitor signals):
  • Levelled. The signal is volume controlled, mostly using the keys F1…F4 on the mixing desk together with the Control Knob.

  • Headphone. The level of this signal is controlled with the potentiometer Headphone on the mixing desk.

  • Loudspeaker. The level of this signal is controlled with the potentiometer Loudspeaker on the mixing desk.

Monitor selector inputsThese are the four monitoring inputs of the RM220-228 Analog In Selector Module. They are available within the monitoring system only and only if the module is contained within the DSP frame. (see also RM220-228 Analog In Selector Module)

Logic Sources

Logic sources control many of the functions within the RM2200D. A logic source is a condition which is either active (“true”) or inactive (“false”). If you need to assign a logic source to a certain function, you need to select it from the Logic Sources window.

Figure 17: Logic Sources window, section “System” expanded.

The Logic Sources window is divided into these sections:

SectionLogic sources included
NoneThis logic source is always inactive. If you select it to control a function, it will never change.
Fader StartsEach input signal has a logic source “Fader Start” assigned to it. This condition becomes active, if the input signal is currently assigned to a fader channel and the fader is open. The labels of the logic sources correspond to the labels set in the dialog Frame I/O.
GPI InputsThis category contains all GPI signals available in the system. The labels of the logic sources correspond to the labels set in the dialog Frame I/O.
Cue StatusEach input signal has a logic source “Cue Status” assigned to it. This condition becomes active, if the input signal is currently assigned to a fader channel and the Cue key is active on this fader channel. The labels of the logic sources correspond to the labels set in the dialog Frame I/O.
Master 1 buttonsThis category contains all keys available on the Master Control Module. Any of this logic sources becomes active, if the corresponding key is pressed on the Master Control Module.
SystemThese logic source are controlled from the RM2200D itself. They are:
  • Cue on. At least one Cue key is currently active.

  • Off-Air. Both On-Air logic 1 and On-Air logic 2 are inactive.

  • On-Air Logic 1. At least one of the input signals linked to On-Air logic 1 is open.

  • On-Air Logic 2. At least one of the input signals linked to On-Air logic 2 is open.

  • Alarm. The RM2200D has detected an alarm condition. The Alarm LED on top of the Master Control Module is also on.

  • Active. The RM2200D is not in Stand By Mode. The Stand By LED on top of the Master Control Module is off.

  • Stand-By. The RM2200D is in Stand By mode. The Stand By LED on top of the Master Control Module is on.