Chapter 2. Operating the RM2200D

Table of Contents

2.1. Module Layout and Control Elements
Fader Module Layout
Reverse Function Select
Master Control Module Layout
2.2. Using the RM2200D Software in Display Mode
2.3. Using Setups
Managing Setups from the Mixing Desk
2.4. Using Level Meters
2.5. Monitoring Signals
Using Monitor 1
Using Monitor 2…5
2.6. Selecting Input Signals
2.7. Setting up Input Processing
2.8. Assigning Program Busses
2.9. Using Aux Busses
2.10. Using Talkback Functions
2.11. Using Clean Feed Channels
2.12. Off Air Operation
2.13. Connecting GPIs and GPOs
2.14. Using CS Routing

This chapter explains how to use the RM2200D mixing desk in everyday operation. The RM2200D can be used on its own, without the need to run any PC software simultaneously. However, it is recommended that you use the RM2200D software in Display Mode. This will give you more details about the current state of the system. It is also an alternative way to change the operation parameters of the RM2200D from the PC.

Module Layout and Control Elements

Fader Module Layout

The following picture shows a fader module of the RM2200D mixing desk, the table explains the function of the different parts:

Figure 4: The RM2200D fader module.

Control ElementFunction
Input (LED)This LED is green when the input carries a valid audio signal. For digital inputs, it is red when there is no synchronization.
CF out (LED)This LED is yellow when the gain value of the clean feed out signal for the assigned input is not 0 dB and/or an alternative output signal is routed to the clean feeds back signal path. (see also Using Clean Feed Channels)
Gain (LED)This LED is yellow when the gain value for the input signal is not 0 dB.
Pan/Bal (LED)This LED is yellow when the panorama/balance setting is not on neutral.
Program 1/Program 2 (keys and LEDs)Press these keys to route the signal of the fader channel onto the two program busses. If the Off-Air function is active, both keys toggle each other. The keys can also be locked when the fader is open. (see also Mod. Options - Configuring Module Options)
EQ (LED)This LED is yellow when any equaliser or filter is active in the fader channel.
Dyn (LED)This LED is yellow when any dynamics processing (limiter, compressor) is active in the fader channel.
Aux 1, Aux 2 (LED)This LED is green, when an Aux signal is active in the fader channel. To switch it off, press the Select key, press the Aux 1 or Aux 2 key. Now turn the Control Knob to the left, until the display shows -oo dB and the LED goes off.
Select (key and LED)Press this key, to put the fader channel in “Select Mode”. You can then change the parameters of the channel using the Master Control Module or the RM2200D software. Press it again when you are finished.
Cue (key and LED)Press this key to cue the fader channel. The audio signal is routed to the monitor. You can configure Cue keys to toggle each other or to work independently, mixing all cue signals. You can also configure the way the Cue key works when pressed. (see also Mod. Options - Configuring Module Options)
CHANNEL ON (Lamp)This lamp lights when the audio signal in the fader channel is active.
Channel Display (alphanumeric, four characters)This display shows the label of the currently selected input channel. There are only four characters displayed. If the input signal has a longer label,it will be displayed truncated.

Not all RM2200D fader modules provide the alphanumeric display. Only modules with the part number RM220-020D (note the “D”) have a display.

ON (key and LED)This key works together with the fader start contact. Both switch the audio signal and the logic signal for the fader start. For each input signal, you can configure the way they work together in the RM2200D software. Choose the tab Frame I/O in Configuration Mode and select the module which carries the input channel you want to modify. (see also Frame I/O - Configuring the DSP Frame)

Reverse Function Select

The key concept in using the RM2200D is the Select key. Whenever you want to change something in a fader channel, you press this key to “set the function focus” on this particular fader channel. This is described in detail in the next section.

However, sometimes you want to switch a function (EQ, filter, dynamics etc.) just on or off. To make this easy, the RM2200D uses the Select key concept “the other way round.” This is called Reverse Function Select and works like this:

  1. Make sure there is no fader channel selected, all Select keys are inactive.

  2. Now press and hold the desired function key on the Master Control Module. On all fader channels with this function activated the LED below the Select key will light up. All other fader channels will have this LED off. At the same time, the display shows <function name> press Select.

  3. While still holding the function key, press the Select keys on the fader channels to switch the function on and off.

  4. When you are finished, release the function key on the Master Control Module.

The Reverse Function Select feature works with the following functions: Filter, EQ High, EQ Mid, EQ Low, Dyn, Aux 1 and Aux 2.


If a function is switched off for a selected fader channel, the display shows the letter O (for “Off” in front of any parameter value you are currently changing. You can change all parameters freely and their values will persist. However, they will only affect the fader channel when you switch the function on again.

Master Control Module Layout

The Master Control Module contains all the control elements you need to modify the operating parameters of he RM2200D. The basic philosophy when using it is simple:

  1. If you want to change a parameter for a fader channel, first press the Select key on this channel.

  2. On the Master Control Module, press the key with the desired function, for example the Input key.

  3. The display shows the current selection, for example the currently selected input signal. You can now use the Control Knob to change this selection. The Control Knob is next to the LC display. As you change the value, the operation of the RM2200D changes “live”. If you use the RM2200D software, you will also see the changes in Full Screen Display.

  4. When you have changed one parameter, you can just press another function key to change another one. If all parameters are adjusted, press the Select key again to deactivate it, if necessary.


Some of the function keys have more than just one primary function. To access them, just press the function key again. Alternatively, you can press the OK key to access the next function. A typical example is the setup of a limiter: Each press on the Dyn key takes you to the next parameter.

You can configure almost all keys on the Master Control Module as logic sources for control tasks. If you need to select a key from the Master Control Module, you find them under the node Master 1 buttons in the window Logic Sources. (see also Logic Sources)

The following picture shows the top part of the RM2200D Master Control Module, the table explains the function of the different parts:

Figure 5: Top part of the Master Control Module: status LEDs, level meters, setup keys, function keys and the LC display.
Control Element LabelFunction
Alarm (LED)This LED shows red, when there is a fault in the RM2200D. In normal operation, it should be off.
Stand By (LED)This LED shows yellow, when the RM2200D is in Stand By Mode.You activate the Stand By Mode by holding the keys Pgm 1 and Esc together for five seconds. To wake the RM2200D up again, press the OK key for one second. Please note, that this feature needs to be enabled from the RM2200D software. (see Console - Choosing Modules)
Power (LED)This LED shows green, when the power supply from the DSP frame to the mixing desk works normally.
Level metersThese LED level meters display the current output level of the audio sources assigned to them in the RM2200D software. (see Various - Configuring Level Meters and Clean Feeds)
DefaultPress this key to load the Basic Setup. (see also Using Setups)
Load Set Press this key to select a User Setup for loading.
Load Ch Press this key to load a Channel Setup for the selected fader channel.
SavePress this key to save a User Setup or Channel Setup.

Function keys, mainly for monitor functions (input selection and level change). You can also use them as logic sources. Assign their function in the RM2200D software. (see Func keys - Configuring Function Keys)

If the key is configured as monitor input selector, press it and use the Control Knob to change the input signal for the monitor bus. If it is configured for level change, press it and use the Control Knob to change the level of the monitor bus. (see also Monitoring Signals)

LC DisplayThis display shows the current state of any control operation on the Master Control Module.

The middle part of the Master Control Module contains all the function keys you use to change the parameters for a selected fader channel. It also contains the Control Knob which you use together with the LC display to change parameters or to select options and audio signals. All keys can be used as logic sources within the RM2200D software, too.


Please note, that many keys can select more than one function only. To access these functions, just press the key again several times and watch the changing output on the display. The different functions are noted by numbered lists in the following table.


If possible, use the RM2200D software to view your changes in more detail on the PC monitor. This is especially useful when changing parameters for filters and dynamic processing.

Figure 6: Middle part of the Master Control Module: Control Knob and all function keys for changing parameters in fader channels.
Control Element LabelFunction (Text on Display)
EscUse this key to cancel some operations and to put the RM2200D in Stand By Mode (together with the Pgm 1 key).
OKFor function keys with more than one function, press this key to access the next function. Also use it to wake up the RM2200D from Stand By Mode.
Control Knob Use this rotary encoder together with the display and certain function keys to change parameters and to select options.
  1. Dig. Gain. Use the Control Knob to change the digital gain of the selected fader channel between -20 dB to +20 dB.

  2. PhaseReverse. Choose ON to reverse the phase of the selected fader channel.

  3. Phantom Power.Only available for microphone channels. Use Control Knob to switch it ON or OFF.

  1. Panorama/Balance. Use the Control Knob to change the balance/panorama value for the selected fader channel from L 10 to R 10. The neutral position is 0.

  2. Stereo Channel Summation. Use the Control Knob to control the way the two stereo signals of the selected fader channel are treated. These options are available:

    • Stereo. Normal stereo operation.

    • L->R L->L. The left signal is routed to both channels.

    • R->R R->L. The right signal is routed to both channels.

    • L->R R->L. Left and right signal are exchanged.

    • Mono. Normal mono summation, the mono signal is routed to both channels.

    • Mono -3db. Mono summation, the mono signal is attenuated by -3 dB and is routed to both channels.

    • Mono -6db. Mono summation, the mono signal is attenuated by -6 dB and is routed to both channels.

  1. FILTER <frequency>. Use the Control Knob to adjust the filter frequency between 22 Hz and 20 kHz.

  2. FILTER <order>. Use the Control Knob to select the order of the filter. To deactivate it, turn it far left until the display shows BYPASS. Turn it right to choose between 6dB/oct, 12dB/oct, 18dB/oct and 24dB/oct.

  3. FILTER HIPASS/LOWPASS. Turn the Control Knob to select the desired filter curve.

EQ High
  1. EQ Gain. Use the Control Knob to adjust the EQ gain between -15 dB and +15 dB. Select 0 dB to bypass the equaliser. In this case, the EQ LED in the selected fader channel goes off.

  2. EQFreq. Use the Control Knob to adjust the EQ frequency between 1 kHz and 20 kHz.

EQ Mid
  1. EQ Gain. Use the Control Knob to adjust the EQ gain between -15 dB and +15 dB. Select 0 dB to bypass the equaliser. In this case, the EQ LED in the selected fader channel goes off.

  2. EQFreq. Use the Control Knob to adjust the EQ frequency between 22 Hz and 22 kHz.

  3. EQ Qual. Use the Control Knob to adjust the EQ quality between 0.3 octaves and 3.0 octaves (in steps of 0.1 octaves).

EQ Low
  1. EQ Gain. Use the Control Knob to adjust the EQ gain between -15 dB and +15 dB. Select 0 dB to bypass the equaliser. In this case, the EQ LED in the selected fader channel goes off.

  2. EQFreq. Use the Control Knob to adjust the EQ frequency between 22 Hz and 1 kHz.


This key controls the dynamic processing (compressor and limiter) for the selected fader channel. Press it repeatedly (or use the OK key) to access all parameters.


If the dynamics processing is off, the display shows the letter O in front of the current parameter in the LC display . To switch the processing on or off, use the Reverse Function Select. (see also Reverse Function Select)

  1. Threshold. Use the Control Knob to adjust the compressor threshold between -50 dB and +10 dB.

  2. OutputGain. Use the Control Knob to adjust the compressor output gain between 0 dB and +30 dB.

  3. Ratio. Use the Control Knob to adjust the compressor ratio between 1.0:1 and 5.0:1 in steps of 0.1.

  4. Attack. Use the Control Knob to adjust the compressor attack time between 0.2 ms and 50 ms.

  5. Release. Use the Control Knob to adjust the compressor release time between 0.05 s and 10 s.

  6. LimThres. Use the Control Knob to adjust the limiter threshold between -20 dB and +20 dB.

  7. LimRel. Use the Control Knob to adjust the limiter release rate between 3 dB/s and 20 dB/s.

Aux 1, Aux 2These keys control the function of the Aux signals for the selected channel. Both Aux 1 and Aux 2 work equally.

If you want to change the output level of an Aux bus signal, use the Reverse Function Select: Make sure no Select key is active and press the Aux key. While holding it, use the Control Knob to adjust the output gain of the Aux signal. Release the key when you are finished.

  1. Aux Gain. Use the Control Knob to adjust the Aux gain value between “off” (-oo dB) and +15 dB. Depending on the Aux characteristic the display shows one of the letters A (After fader), P (Pre fader) or S( Switched fader) in front of the gain value.

  2. <Aux characteristic>. Use the Control Knob to change the way the Aux signal is generated. These values are possible:

    • AFTER FADER(A). The Aux signal is generated after the fader affects the audio level.

    • PRE FADER(P). The Aux signal is generated before (“pre”) the fader affects the audio level.

    • PRE SWITCH(S). The Aux signal is generated pre-fader, as long as the fader is closed. If the fader is opened, it changes to after-fader. This is useful for conference/preparation applications.

Fct SelThis key is used to select functions which you can not access directly from other keys. Currently it has no function, but future versions of the RM2200D firmware might use it.
  1. <input name> select Input. Use the Control Knob to select an input channel from the Input Pool and assign it to the selected fader channel.


    You can only select input signals that are not already assigned to any other fader channel!

  2. Fix Fader. Use the Control Knob to lock the selected input signal to the fader channel. Once locked, you can not change the input signal for the fader channel anymore. Choose the value ON to make the fader channel a fixed fader. Choose OFF to unlock it again.

CF Out

Use this key to configure the back signal from the clean feed channel.


You can only use this function if a clean feed is configured for the selected fader channel. Otherwise the display shows not available. (see also Various - Configuring Level Meters and Clean Feeds)

  1. CFOutGain. Use the Control Knob to set the gain value for the clean feed back signal between -30 dB and +15 dB.

  2. <Selector signal name>. Use the Control Knob to select an alternative audio source for the clean feed back signal. You can choose any signal which is in the Selector Pool. If you want the original clean feed signal for the selected fader channel, select the entry CLEANFEED. (Please note, that you must have configured a clean feed signal for this input signal.)

The bottom part of the Master Control Module contains keys and potentiometers for monitoring, to talkback keys and four keys for general use:

Figure 7: Bottom part of the Master Control Module: general purpose keys, monitor keys, monitor potentiometer and talkback keys.

The two potentiometers affect the level of the monitor bus and the headphone output. The function of the keys is explained in the following table:

Control Element LabelFunction
GP1…GP4These are general purpose keys. You can use them as general logic sources, i.e. for signalization or talkback applications. The LED below each key can show the state of any logic signal (lamp source) within the RM2200D. (see Func keys - Configuring Function Keys)
Talk 1 and Talk 2Use these keys for talkback applications. However, you can use them as general purpose logic sources as well. You can assign the lamp source for the LEDs below the keys using the RM2200D software. (see Func keys - Configuring Function Keys)
Monitor - ExtThis key puts the “external” monitor source on the monitor bus. Use the RM2200D software to assign a audio signal to this key. (see Mod. Options - Configuring Module Options)
Monitor - SelectorUse this key together with the Control Knob to put any audio signal from the Selector Pool on the monitor bus. Rotate the Control Knob while holding this key. The display shows the currently selected audio input. Release the Selector key if you have selected the desired signal.
Monitor - Pgm 1 and Pgm 2Press these keys to put the output of the program bus on the monitor bus.

If you have assigned a default monitor source which has no associated key on the mixing desk, this will be selected when you press the currently active monitor key again, or after a reset of the DSP frame. (see also Func keys - Configuring Function Keys)