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Mediahuis Radio Chooses DHD Audio Mixers for New Studios in Amsterdam

February 19th, 2025|

Amsterdam, The Netherlands, February 19th, 2025: Mediahuis Radio continues its expansion with the completion of a new production facility in Amsterdam. DHD RX2 and DX2 audio mixers connected to XD3 Cores form central elements. These were supplied by Media Utilities, a long-established audio systems integrator based at Almere. “We are running four stations from the new complex in the Telegraaf building on Amsterdam’s Basisweg: Radio Veronica, 100% [...]

Radio Clodia Celebrates 40th Anniversary with Upgrade to DHD SX2 and XC3 Audio Mixing System

October 2nd, 2024|

Chioggia, VE, Italy, October 2nd, 2024: Celebrating its 40th anniversary this year, Radio Clodia has chosen a DHD SX2 audio mixing console and XC3 IP processing core in a major upgrade of the production facilities at its studio headquarters. The project was supervised by Milan-based broadcast systems supplier and integrator BVmedia. Radio Clodia was established in Chioggia in 1984. The station transmits on FM 103.6 [...]

Radio Kol-Chai Chooses DHD Audio Mixers For New IP-Integrated HQ

August 27th, 2024|

Tel Aviv, Israel – August 27st, 2024: Radio Kol-Chai, a broadcast and live streaming station based in the city of Bnei Brak just east of Tel Aviv, has chosen DHD audio mixers and processing cores as part of a relocation to new production studios. The system was integrated by Jerusalem-based audio technology specialist Broadcast Design Ltd. It includes four DHD SX2 consoles – two with 16 faders and two with [...]

RTVC Selects DHD Audio Production Consoles for Atlántico Region Studios

July 2nd, 2024|

Barranquilla, Colombia, 2 July 2024: Radio Televisión Nacional de Colombia (RTVC), Colombia’s national radio and television broadcaster, RTVC, has chosen DHD SX2 audio production consoles for its renovated studios in Barranquilla, capital city of the Atlántico region. Established in October 2004, RTVC operates four free-to-air television stations and two radio networks. Radio Nacional de Colombia is a general infotainment channel and Radiónica is a youth-oriented station dedicated to Colombian [...]

MBC Radio Upgrades with DHD Audio Production Mixers

April 10th, 2024|

Moka, Mauritius, 10 April 2024: DHD SX2 audio production mixing consoles and an XC3 IP audio core have been chosen by Mauritius Broadcasting Corporation (MBC) for installation at its headquarters in Moka near the national capital, Port Louis, and on Rodrigues Island. MBC selected Eurocom Broadcast as its project partner following an open invitation for tenders. Based at Roissy-en-Brie near Paris, Eurocom has a quarter century of experience in designing [...]

Israel’s Center for Accessible Culture Chooses DHD SX2 Audio Production Consoles for Ease of Sight-Impaired Operator Accessibility

March 6th, 2024|

Tel Aviv, Israel, 06 March 2024: Israel’s Center for Accessible Culture, formerly known as the Central Library for the Blind (CLFB), has chosen DHD SX2 radio consoles as the core of a studio modernisation project at its headquarters in Tel Aviv. The new system was integrated by Jerusalem-based audio technology specialist Broadcast Design Ltd. “The Center for Accessible Culture makes classical literature, periodicals and textbooks [...]

DHD SX2 and TX Consoles Go On Air at RTV Drenthe

January 16th, 2024|

Drenthe, Netherlands, 16 January 2024: RTV Drenthe (www.rtvdrenthe.nl) ), public broadcaster for the province of Drenthe in north-east Netherlands, has chosen DHD SX2 and TX audio mixing consoles for integration into newly upgraded facilities at the channel’s studio headquarters in Assen. The consoles form part of a production modernisation project centred on the television production control room. RTV Drenthe content mainly comprises local and regional news, interviews, music and [...]

Radio Duchessa Chooses DHD SX2 Audio Console for New On-Line and On-Air Channel

December 4th, 2023|

Parma, Italy, 4 December 2023: DHD audio (www.dhd-audio.com) announces that Radio Duchessa has chosen a DHD SX2 studio production console as the control hub of its newly established free-access online radio channel. The project was supervised by broadcast systems integration specialist BVmedia. Radio Duchessa (www.radioduchessa.it) takes its name from Duchess Maria Luigia of Parma whose population gave her the nickname ‘good duchess’. Seat of the duchy of [...]

NH Media Adopts IP-Integrated Radio, Visual-Radio and Television Production

November 7th, 2023|

Hilversum, Netherlands, 09 Tuesday November 2023:  DHD audio (www.dhd-audio.com) announces the adoption of an IP-integrated production system at the Hilversum studios of NH Media, regional radio and television broadcaster for North Holland. The recently completed system was designed in partnership with Dutch broadcast and IT solutions specialist D&MS and includes equipment supplied via Media Utilities, Almere. “We relocated from Amsterdam to Hilversum in 2022 while our sister channel [...]

Blu Radio, Colombia, Upgrades to DHD RX2 and SX2 Audio Consoles

August 21st, 2023|

Leipzig, Germany, 21 Monday August 2023: DHD audio (www.dhd-audio.com) announces the completion of a major renovation project at the Bogotá headquarters of Colombian broadcaster Blu Radio. Latest-generation DHD RX2 and SX2 consoles have been installed in the main studio by audio systems integration and technical support provider ASPA ANDINA. Newly expanded system includes high-efficiency multitouch screens and support for Visual Radio. “Blu Radio has been operating very [...]

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