Table of Contents
This part of the RM4200 manual conatins a detailed system description of the RM4200D. You should read this manual if you:
want to get a detailed overview of the structure of RM4200D and its working principles.
want to know, how certain functions have to be configured and why it works this way.
like to see examples for the configuration of certain functions and understand them.
are looking for reference information on certain aspects of the RM4200D.
This document was last updated on June 24th, 2006.
The following list contains a short overview of the chapter contents:
Technical specification. This chapter contains all important specifications of the RM4200D, including details on power supply, audio modules and CAN bus. There is also a description of the RM4200Ds requirements for running it in a computer network. (see Technical Specifications)
Memory Map. This chapter describes, how the separate “layers” of the operating software of the RM4200D are structured and which purpose they serve. Here, you find details about Firmware, Config and Setups. (see System Memory Map)
Monitoring the System. This chapter describes, how you can monitor the status of the RM4200D. For this, you can use the functions of the DHD PC software or analyse the system LEDs. (see Monitoring the System Status)